Learn Korean: Verb + 치자
Let’s take a look at the pattern Verb + 치자. It is the Korean way of saying Let us say (statement) in the middle of a discussion or an argument as a way to consider a scenario which could be true, but still has flaws. For example, there was a commotion in my advisory class. Student A complained that Student B stole his money. He confronted him and he denied it, so he punched him on the face. However, there was no evidence that Student B actually stole the money. Not that I was taking sides, but I found it very wrong for Student A to resort to physical violence. I said Okay, let’s say he stole the money. / But it is not alright to hurt your friend. The first part is expressed through 치자. The main verb is 돈을 훔치다 (to steal money). Its past tense form is 돈을 훔쳤다. We take the verb stem (훔쳤) and attach 다고 치자. The actual sentence is (돈을) 훔쳤다고 치자 (Let’s say he did it, but...).
그래 때렸다고
Okay let’s say she beat you up. (I didn’t see her do it, but okay, let’s consider that scenario)
네 가슴을 만졌다고
Let’s say he really touched your breast. (I didn’t see him do it, but okay, let’s consider that scenario)
밀었다고 치자.
Let’s say he pushed you.
(You claimed he did but I didn’t see him do that on the spot. Let’s say it’s
true but...)