Korean Past Tense (Regular Verbs)

Let's learn how to conjugate verbs in past tense so we can start talking about experiences and things we did or used to do. Once we master the present tense conjugation, the past tense form is as easy as pie. All we do is attach ㅆ at the bottom of the 아/어/여 form of the verb and add 어(요). This section focuses on regular verbs and other exceptions to irregular verbs. We will take a look at the cases tackled in present tense conjugation.

The ㅏ Case
가다 (to go)– 가(요)– 갔어(요)
감다 (to close)– 감아(요)– 감았어(요)

The ㅗ Case
오다 (to come)– 와(요)– 왔어(요)
녹다 (to melt)– 녹아(요)– 녹았어(요)

The l Case
끼다 (to wear)– 껴(요)– 꼈어(요)
씹다 (to chew)– 씹어(요)– 씹었(요)

The ㅓ Case
서다 (to stand)– 서(요)– 섰어(요)
먹다 (to eat)– 먹어(요)– 먹었어(요)

The ㅜ Case
주다 (to give)– 줘(요)– 줬어(요)
불다 (to blow)– 불어(요)– 불었어(요)

The ㅔ, ㅐ, ㅚ Case
세다 (to count)– 세(요)– 셌어(요)
내다 (to pay)– 내(요)– 냈어(요)
되다 (to pay)– 돼(요)– 됐어(요)

The ㄹ Case
믿다 (to count)– 믿어(요)– 믿었어(요)
받다 (to receive)– 받아(요)– 받았어(요)

Regular ㄷ Verbs
받다 (to receive)– 받아(요)– 받았어(요)
믿다 (to count)– 믿어(요)– 믿었어(요)

Regular ㅂ Verbs
잡다 (to catch)– 잡아(요)– 잡았어(요)
씹다 (to chew)– 씹어(요)– 씹었어(요)

Regular ㅅ Verbs
씻다 (to wash)– 씻어(요)– 씻었어(요)
벗다 (to take off)– 벗어(요)– 벗었어(요)

Regular ㅎ Verbs
좋다 (to be good)– 좋아(요)– 좋았어(요)
넣다 (to put)– 넣어(요)– 넣었어(요)