Learn Korean: Verb + 처음

Let’s take a look at the Korean sentence pattern Verb + 처음. The word 처음 means beginning or start. We use this to express what we experience doing for the first time. For example, I had always used chopsticks in my life. Occasionally, I use a spoon and a fork. Today, I had a weird but one of a kind experience. My Filipino friend took me to an authentic local restaurant called Mang Inasal. We ordered some thick and juicy grilled chicken. Before digging in, I noticed that some people were eating rice with their bare hands. It was an odd but fascinating sight. My friend explained that it was a culture though not generally practiced. He added that food actually tastes better with bare hands, so he suggested that I try it. I did. After my first chew, I said It’s my first time to eat with hands. The main verb is 손으로 먹다 (to eat with hands). We take the verb stem () and attach 는 것. is often simplified into or . Then, we add 처음 combined with the verb 이다 (to be). The actual sentence is 손으로 먹는 게 처음이야/이에요.


비행기를 타는 거 처음이야.

It’s my first time to ride a plane.

당근을 먹는 게 처음이다.

It’s my first time to eat a carrot.

여자랑 같이 자는 거 처음이었어.

It was my first time to sleep with a woman.