Learn Korean: Verb + 라 그래

Let's take a look at the Korean sentence pattern Verb + 라 그래. We use this to express that we don’t care much about what people think, so let them do what they want. For example, my boyfriend and I were strolling together when he suddenly stole a kiss. I was embarrassed knowing there were many people around. I said What are you doing? People are looking. He replied Let them look then. I don’t care. And he kissed me again. The main verb is *to look. In Korean, it is 보다. We take the verb stem () and attach 라 그렇다. The actual sentence is 라 그래().


의심하라 그래.

If they are suspicious, let them be.


비웃어라 그래.

Let them laugh if they want. (laugh in a mocking way)

판단하라 그래.

Let them judge us, I don’t care.