Learn Korean: Noun + 또 없다

Here’s one pattern you can use to make someone feel very special or generally express that there is nobody else like someone or nothing else like something. First, you need to set the subject as the standard with만큼 (as adjective as). Then state the quality of the subject followed by any noun (사람, 남자, 여자, , etc.). In the first few examples, the adjectives are not emphasized since we assumed that the two people talking know the context of the topic.

나만큼 착한 남자 없어.
There is no one like me.

한국만큼 아름다운 나라가 없어.
There is nothing like Korea.

엄마가 되는 것만큼 힘든 일이 없어요.
There is nothing as difficult as being a mother.

원빈만큼 멋진 아저씨가 없을 .
I bet there is no one as cool as Won Bin.

사랑만큼 아픈 없어.
There is nothing as painful as love.