Learn Korean: Verb + 뭐야?

Let’s take a look at the Korean sentence pattern Verb + 뭐야(?) In polite speech, we say 뭐예요. We use this to ask someone what it is that he wants to do, he can do, have to do, etc. Asking what is easy, but conjugating the verbs may be a tough job. Each verb ending requires a different method.

Let’s say What is it that you want? (plain present tense). The main verb is 원하다 (to want). We take the verb stem, attach 는 것, and add the question word. The actual sentence is 원하는 게 뭐야 (뭐예요)?

Let’s say What is it that you can do? The main verb is 하다. To add the nuance able to do something, we attach the verb ending ()ㄹ 수 있다. It becomes 할 수 있다. Then, we take the verb stem () and attach 는 것. The actual sentence is 할 수 있는 게 뭐야 (뭐예요)?

Let’s say What is it that you want to eat? The main verb is 먹다. To add the nuance want to do something, we attach the verb ending 고 싶다. It becomes 먹고 싶다. Then, we take the verb stem () and attach 은 것. The actual sentence is 먹고 싶은 게 뭐야 (뭐예요)?

These questions can be simplified into What do you want?, What can you do?, and What do you want to eat?

제일 잘하는  뭐야?

What are you very good at?

해보고 싶은  뭐야?

What is it that you want to try?

하고 싶은  뭐야?

What is it that you want to do?