Learn Korean: Noun + 중에서
We have come across so many things and met so many people
in our lives and sometimes we can’t help but reminisce and talk about the most
remarkable, outstanding, and unforgettable among
them. Right, we are talking about one among many. In English, we can also say of all the people/things and the
subject + verb combination which makes the full pattern pretty long. For now,
let’s learn to make a phrase and get used to it first before we make a full
sentence. Obviously, the verbs have to be in their past tense form, say the
verb 읽다 (to read)- 읽은, 일었던, 읽어본.
내가 관계를 끝낸 사람들 중에서
Of all the people I’ve cut out
내가 만났던 남자들 중에서
Among the guys I dated
내가 받은 생일 선물 중에서
Among the birthday gifts I received
네가 한 약속 중에서
Among the promises you made
내가 같이 살던 사람들 중에서
Of all the people I lived with