Learn Korean: Noun + 몇 개

Let’s take a look at the Korean sentence pattern Noun + 몇 개. We use this to ask how many when the subject or object is not a person.  is the general counter for things.


Example #1: How many pencils do you need? The main noun is 연필 (pencil). 몇 개 comes after it and then the verb 필요하다 (to need). The actual sentence is 연필 몇 개() 필요해()? The subject marker () may be attached to if the verb requires it. 

Example #2: How many apples did you buy? The main noun is 사과 (apple). 몇 개 comes after it and then the verb 사다 (to buy). Its past tense form is 샀다. The actual sentence is 사과 몇 개() 샀어()? The object marker () may be attached to if the verb requires it.

우산 몇 개가 있어?

How many umbrellas do you have?

마스크 몇 개를 팔아요?

How many masks are you selling?

속옷 몇 개 가져왔어요?

How many pieces of underwear did you bring?